How to Mod World Depth for Minecraft Bedrock Flat World’s
Minecraft Bedrock flat worlds are lacking in options to generate the world with a sufficent depth. For example, if you want to build a city in Minecraft Bedrock and you plan on building rivers, your world depth is only 4 blocks to bedrock. This will create a very shallow river system and is not good if you wish to build bridges and ships. You can however modify your world depth using Minecraft Java and then import the world to Minecraft Bedrock via amulet. To do this you need to have the Minecraft Launcher from the Microsoft Store installed on your PC. First go to the launcher and choose Minecraft Java:
Next, create a flat world in creative mode in Minecraft Java:
For World type choose Superflat:
Click the Customize setting as seen above.
Click on Presets as shown below:
In the Presets menu alter the number for the world depth. It is preset at 2:
I have changed the number to 16 to generate a flat world with the depth of 16 blocks deep. This will create the world with a grass block on the top layer, 16 blocks of dirt and bedrock as the bottom layer.:
Click use preset when you are done and you will see the layers listed:
Click done and create new world.
This is the part that is a bit boring. You now need to fly this world – however many blocks out you want the world to load – so that when you convert it to bedrock you will have the area you wish to build in loaded with the depth you have chosen.
I typically make maps and fill in a few of them to make sure Bedrock will load these chunks with the depth. This will take you up to an hour, but it is worth it in the end to have the altered world depth. You can use speed potions however to make your flying much faster.
Next, create a flat world in Minecraft Bedrock. You do not need to fly this world.
Once you are done, quit this world and load Amulet. If you do not have Amulet, you can download it here.
In Amulet load the Java world:
And select convert. Amulet will ask you to select a output world in Bedrock. Choose the world in Bedrock you just create. Amulet will overwrite this world with the world you made in Java with the altered depth.
Now, load your altered world in Minecraft Bedrock and you will see your world depth is now 16 blocks:
The down side to this method is that where you stopped flying the world in Java, there will be a dropoff. However, if you go a decent distance out this will not be a problem.