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Woodland Mansion with a Desert, Mesa and Mooshroom Islands and Ocean Monument nearby

Seed: -48438586

Coordinates at Spawn: 200, 4

View at Spawn:

You will spawn in a Birch Forrest with a Desert viewable behind you.

Begin heading towards the Desert and you will come to a Savannah on the right and another Birch Forrest to the Left:

Continue straight and you will come to a Dark Forrest and a Savannah Village:

The Savannah Village is on the Ocean:

At this point turn and head behind you to 300 -700 to find a Woodland Mansion:

The Desert is viewable from the Mansion:

As well as a Mesa Biome:

There is a frozen Ocean and Ruined Portal close to the Mansion as well:

The Ocean Monument is located at 632, 800, however we are going to head to the Mooshroom Island at 800 -1000 instead:

There is a broken Shipwreck just off the Mooshroom Island: